Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Every week, for the rest of the... season

Prison Break, Heroes, 30 Rock

It all breaks down to 3 TV shows this fall. Also, Marius explained to me who the f*** Earl was, and I might give that a shot. If this show gets me, I promise to start feeling bad about my earlier post on it.

Prisons were made to be broken.

First, it's Prison Break. Already a classic to me, airs Mondays, ships Tuesdays, I watch it Tuesday nights. Wonderful. I've seen the first two episodes, and I like the new plot. It's good they've slipped the run away in season 2, because if Sona was right after Fox River, it would have been cliché: Mario and Luigi switch places, and do world 2. However this way, it fits. I like that.

Some people are born to be extraordinary.

Second, it's Heroes. There's something about this show that makes it unique. I just have a gut feeling. Every episode. To me it ranks as good Prison Break, and the fact that it's SciFi—or is it?—gives it a very good aura. I've seen the season premiere this Tuesday and I plunged in! Also, you shouldn't miss out the special featured comics on NBC's Heroe's website. I usually like to read them Friday or Saturday. It eases the pain of waiting for the next episode.

Work can be such a production.

And third—a new entry—, it's 30 Rock! Yeah, I loved the show. I was 15 episodes into it the first evening. Unfortunately, the episodes are 20 minutes long, and I don't know how waiting a week for it to come on is going to work. It comes next Thursday, on October 4th. I've already finished the first season, so I'm a bit restless...

There's so much TV content these days it makes you wonder if one's entire lifetime is enough to see it all. And I'm only talking about the good TV content produced daily!

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