Monday, September 10, 2007

Guess who comes back home this fall!

I'm delighted with the western TV Industry. If there's anyone who actually progressed in the past decade it matter of television, it's definitely the west. And personally, I hate it when Europeans don't get the luxury. Hey, we built America! I demand some respect! Let's talk a little about the cookies we have packed and ready to ship to your local DC++ hub or Torrent website.

The Round Up

I love it how YouTube has made a round up of the best come backs and come ups of the fall. And I also totally hate the fact that they didn't include NBC's Heroes in the selection. Hello? Big international hit? A little like better than Lost? Oh, and speaking of Lost, that bitch—err, beach—doesn't come back until February! Are you shittin' me ABC? Totally. Anyway, I'll keep digging FOX's Prison Break and NBC's Heroes. And since it has good reviews (from a friend) I'll dig FOX's 24 as well.

On Heroes

Since YouTube had a poor selection of Heroes on the round up, I've decided to search some more for vids about the show. Here's my top 3 selection, in no particular order. (That must have sounded just about right, heh?)

Prime Time Preview Scoops Heroes Unmasked: Episode 1 - A New Dawn

And some ugly

Oh, and since in my last post I features something creepy, I thought I'd share something similar from one of NBC's features in YouTube's round up. Digg this:

Dexter: Season 1 Manic Compression

Ok, so I post a little too much on Entertainment. I'll detour tomorrow, I promise!

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