Friday, July 04, 2008

Turning Eventide


Eventide flavor art, © Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Magic: The Gathering logo and related artwork © Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

Something, something, something… Lorwyn-Shadowmoor Block, something, something, something… complete!

I’m playing Magic: The Gathering for quite a while now and I’m glad to have played enough to get to see a complete block. (Well, actually, I’ll have to play a little more, because Eventide only launches near the end of this month.) And there couldn’t have been a better timing for me to start playing Magic: The Gathering. The Lorwyn-Shadowmoor block is the first to be somewhat biased to the Tolkien style of fantasy.

The Color Wheel And I

Personally I’m the most at home with White and Red. By allegiance I’m also friends with Green, which I happen to play quite often. Depending on my tone, I’m either very aggressive, which means I’d play a mono-red deck or a green-red deck, or somewhat calm, which means I’ll play my classic white Kithkin deck. Lately, Shadowmoor has also given me a pretty good taste of the Black/Red combo, so I’ve been playing some cinder elementals with every chance.

I’ve never settled with Black though. I’m just not suited for Black, because it’s not my style of play. I also find it to be one of the most difficult colors to play with, probably because of it’s quite high mana costs. But since black has shared a place is some of my decks (Black/Green Lorwyn elves, Black/Red Shadowmoor elementals), I’ve never been a peace with Blue. My friend Diesel masters Merfolks like he’s one of them, and Dan could fit blue in any white control deck, but not me. I tried a deck of fairies once, but the flashy thing just didn’t do it for me.

What The Dawn Brings

What I am going to try when Eventide kicks in is a Blue/Red deck. The idea of control and firepower altogether makes my head hurt, but I think Eventide is going to make it really easy with special cards just ready for that. Also, I’ve been trying to get my hands on a White/Green Shadowmoor theme deck to get something rolling, and I think I’m going to do it soon.

As funds will permit, I’ll want to experiment it all with Eventide, since the enemy-paired colors sound like a lot of fun.

Time To Bring In The Peanuts

So far we’ve been playing for almost nothing. Of course, most of us were merely learning. (Except for Dan, who’s been playing the game in the past.) But time has come that we play for more. It’s time to scout the land for more planeswalkers and even more trainees. Who knows, maybe soon we’ll even have sanctioned events, right?


Iulian Avasiloaia said...

Something, something, something... bâldâbâââc, says teh Merfolk hearder :D

I'd sure love to see some blue/red Merfolk spells, if there are any of those in Eventide.

Anonymous said...

I'm from Iasi and I have been playing Magic for 9/10 months too. Maybe we can organize a draft sometimes, what do you say ? Or maybe something regular, like once a week, that's how I have been playing it in Germany before coming here.

Mihai Alexandru Bîrsan said...

Hi Mircea! Drop me an e-mail and we'd sure love to meet and bring together a community of players in Iasi. :) Maybe soon we'll even play real FNMs.

For now we're not drafting (me and the guys I play with). That's mainly because drafting would mean to spend around 40 lei for a game. We're mainly playing multiplayer constructed. Nevertheless, we'd sure try new things, and drafting is something I'd love to try.